OH Events.....
HI Connie - Dr. Overcash's support group meets at Munroe Regional once a month...and you're only like - 20 min away if you're in the Villages....you don't have to have had surgery with Overcash and their group there is expanding..so..check with Munroe Regional..the group leader is Ann Marie..if you need further info..write to me at [email protected] and I'll get that info for ya..
Best of luck..
Ruth S.
Hey Everyone, Esther In Miami, Fl. I Too agree that Florida should not be left out, but around that tim maybe we cold do like 1 day cruise or something. am sure if enough of us get together in a group we could probably get a very good discount. And that way around that te we have plenty of time to save and renew our passaports for th ones that need renewal. For the Gals up in Bradenton and Sarsota for suppor groups try the CLEVELAND CLINICS they are all over the place an y do Bariatrics Surgry so they should have some type of support groups or guide you in the right direction.
God Bless You all!
Esther A
Looking for as much support as I an Just a couple of steps away from sedin the papework off to my insurance on Wed. I do the Psyc written test is the last test to go.
Any Suggestions please vistit my page any new friends for support always welcome.
Trying to find out about this Angel thing? Ho does this work?